[合成电子]Keepforest Risenge Pro 各种FX效果音色 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Thrilling rises, heart-stopping suckbacks, dramatic build-ups and downfalls
Keepforest is proud to introduce the next chapter of the company with the new library series – the Risenge. This new library is a huge source of thrilling rises, heart-stopping suckbacks, dramatic build-ups and downfalls, in combination with a collection of cinematic hits, the library will take the tension and dynamic of your composition to a whole new level. Like all the previous releases, Keepforest Team put their heart and soul to the sound design works of Risenge, from recording of source materials to the finished product to make sure that music producers from all over the world will have in their hand a cinematic sound library of highest quality. Sounds powered by Keepforest and BOOM Library
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