[母带处理]Initial Audio Master Suite v1.0.0 母带效果器套件 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
THD: Total Harmonic Distortion, this can ‘fatten’ up the master and help increase the perceived loudness.
Loudness: Increase or decrease the loudness of your master in decibels. Uses an intelligent compression and limiting algorithm to ensure maximum loudness with minimal distortion.
LUFS Meter: The LUFS meter ( Loudness Units relative to Full Scale) is an industry standard representation of perceived loudness. The meter goes green when in the ‘sweet’ zone of a loud master without over compressing the dynamics of your mix.
Soften: This softens the compression curve, also known as a ‘soft knee’.
Mix: Mix the compressed audio with the original. If you are pushing the loudness hard and the master is sounding over compressed with a loss of dynamics, this control can help restore some dynamics while still keeping the master loud.
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