[宿主软件]Studio One 中文版 附安装教程|DAW音乐工作站|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
The reason why Studio One resonates with musicians is simple: PreSonus listens. Many new features in Version 4 are the direct result of user feedback, including AAF import/export so users can bring song data from their old DAW into Studio One. Add the most flexible arranging tools of any music program, full integration with Notion for superior notation, over 20 GB of carefully curated content, analog console emulation, advanced step sequencing, unified hardware control with the FaderPort series of hands-on controllers, and much more—it’s no wonder that Studio One continues to gain new followers every day.
Intuitive single-window work environment with quick and easy drag-and-drop functionality and multi-touch support Unlimited audio and instrument tracks, advanced automation features, virtual instruments, buses, and FX channels Pristine sound quality with native 64-bit resolution and support for up to 384 kHz audio Chord Track manipulates audio and note data of any or all tracks for Harmonic Editing and song prototyping Incredible new virtual instruments: Impact XT and SampleOne XT for powerful beat or loop-based composition, live sampling, and robust sample editing Patterns allow for intuitive drum and melody composition via familiar drum machine/sequencer style UI AAF import for easy song/session exchange with other applications for collaboration (Pro Tools,. Logic, Nuendo, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, and more) Studio One 4 operates on 64-bit operating systems only.
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