[自动扒带软件]Sonic Ladder Riffstation v1.4 英文版|扒带神器|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载105001-bianquren.cn
A tool that will help you view the cords from your favorite songs and perform a variety of modifications to the track to extract the sounds you need. Music editing and production are certainly among the activities many users would like to get involved into, but they are much more difficult than they would seem at first glance. When it comes to working with specific musical instruments, things become even more complicated, but if playing the guitar is your hobby, for instance, then is worth taking a shot at using a tool like Riffstation.
After loading a song, you can play it and modulate its tempo using either the dedicated knob or by directly moving the beat up or down via the BPM function. There are also 4 different modes you can opt for, as they provide various stereo field settings. Isolating a certain frequency can be done from the corresponding area inside the ‘Jam Master’ tab of the main window. There are controls for field width, separation and a low and high filter, all adjustable through their own controls.
Another thing you can change for a selected track is the pitch and for this sound property you can move high and low in the octaves, work on semitones and fine tune them as well. The playback controls, though, are very basic, with just one function a bit more special, namely the ‘loop’ feature. The ‘Chord Viewer’ and ‘Riff Builder’ modules of Riffstation are just what a specialist would look for in such an application and they will also increase the value of this impressive piece of software.
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