【编曲人网】(维也纳乐器插件桥107002)VSL Vienna Ensemble Pro v6.0.17011.CE WIN MAC-bianquren.cn
VSL Vienna Ensemble Pro 6.0.17011 Overview
Vienna Ensemble Pro has become the definitive cross-platform network solution in studios and production facilities around the world. This mixing and hosting application enables you to set up a multiple computer network with both Macs and PCs without the need for extra MIDI and audio interfaces – all you need is a simple Ethernet cable! Even when you’re using only one computer, Vienna Ensemble Pro improves your work-flow dramatically, with unique functions such as “Preserve” that keeps all your plug-ins and samples loaded while switching from one project to another – a huge time saver!
Of course Vienna Ensemble Pro supports Vienna Instruments, but you may also integrate all of your third-party 64-bit and 32-bit VST/AU instruments and effects plug-ins (such as Spectrasonics, Native Instruments, Waves, you name it) and mix them in stereo and surround (up to 7.1), with full parameter automation and optional one-click integration with Vienna MIR Pro. What’s more, with the included Epic Orchestra Sample Pack you get a powerful all-in-one production tool to get you started right away!
Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 is the latest version and comes with a wealth of new features and performance improvements. Please find an overview of all the key features and versions under the Product Comparison menu.
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