[管弦音源]Spitfire Audio Albion III Iceni v2.1 KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn

The finest orchestral session musicians playing the finest, rarest instruments, recorded at Air Studios – Lyndhurst Hall, London, through the finest vintage, valve, and ribbon mics to 2″ tape. The only tape based orchestral library in the world. This is all you need to write epic sounding, widescreen cinematic orchestral music straight out of the box. Recorded in sections, this library features rich, aggressive and lyrical strings; punchy, growling brass; and some seriously malevolent woodwinds.
All patches come with 4 mixable/ routable and selectable mic positions C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient) and O(outrigger). Work with one mic “in” on your laptop on the plane, then render down with all four routed to 5.1 on your “big rig” back at your studio.
In addition to that, true legato is available across all choirs of the orchestra. A new and innovative addition is our “Ostinatum” engine that helps you build exciting and unexpected arrangements to your flowing top-lines and a huge bank of mod wheel fade orchestral FX to provide you with some

