[管弦音源]Spitfire Audio Albion I REDUX V.5.0 KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
ALBION 1 is the ultimate introduction to the world of A-list film scoring. Using the same, musicians, instruments, recording environment, techniques and microphones. Albion gives you an-instant epic cinematic tool-kit out of the box.
“BAKED ENSEMBLES” – We have slavishly re-mixed the entire orchestral range into “full” ensembles for use with both hands. These not only save time on quickly sketching but also cut CPU use by up to 30% compared to using multis versions. Great to add warmth and depth to your intricate but also demanding Sable arrangements.
“STEPHENSON’S REDUX” – Derived from wholly newly created samples (cut from the original Albion orchestral sessions). Here is a large ultra-cool bank of Pads, Drones, and Soundscapes. Created by crack team of in-demand professionals in London.
“BRUNEL LOOPS” – A selection of new curiosities to tickle your fancy.
“DARWIN WIPES” – All new thunderous transitions derived from the epic Darwin percussion sessions.
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