[管弦音源]Red Room Audio Palette BP02 Orchestral FX v1.2 KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
There’s an awful lot of content here, so to make things more accessible we divided it into multiple products. The first is “Palette – Symphonic Sketchpad,” which contains the building blocks to quickly and easily bring your cinematic ideas to life. Then, to add detail and color to your compositions we’ve put together additional tool sets we call “Brush Packs.”
These brush packs do not require that you own Symphonic Sketchpad, but focus on deeper and more specific scoring elements like orchestral FX, percussion loops or true-legato melodic ensembles. This modular approach allows you the opportunity to pick up the tools you want and not the ones you don’t. Since all Palette instruments were recorded in the same hall by the same production team and the same musicians, they complement each other perfectly.
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