[管弦音源]FORZO Modern Brass Kontakt 科幻风格合成铜管 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Beyond Ordinary
Amassing an epic ensemble of world-class brass players was the first step in bringing this monster to life; FORZO’s 12 French horns, four trumpets, eight trombones (tenor, bass, & contra bass), and two tubas deliver 25 GB of sheer brass virtual instrument power straight into the hands of the cinematic composer. Creative articulations like cluster bends and random flutters flex these sections’ muscles in a way that you just haven’t heard before. And when you want to truly harness this explosive brass virtual instrument, FORZO’s Full Ensemble NKI puts the entire 26-piece brass orchestra (playing at the same time, in the same room) at your fingertips. You’ve heard brass, but not like this. FORZO: Modern Brass is truly beyond ordinary. Skywalker Sound
Skywalker Sound
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