[管弦音源]SONiVOX Orchestral Companion Brass v1.4-R2R 铜管 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Orchestral Companion Brass
When you need to add real brass to your project for that “just so” feel, nothing less than the real thing will do. Artificial sounds and less-than-authentic details will sabotage even the best-intentioned efforts. It’s like a history buff watching a movie about World War I and seeing a 1960’s-era clock on the fireplace mantel in the background. The credibility is shot and the production is ruined.
You only get one chance. Don’t blow it.
That’s the seriousness with which we took the creation of Orchestral Companion Brass.
The SONiVOX design team has produced over 80 outstanding brass programs, each one meticulously crafted to deliver as accurate and convincing an experience as possible. That’s what you demand, so that’s what we did.
There is a comprehensive collection of full orchestral brass ensembles, and also a full array of smaller brass sub-groups. In addition, we provide you with a complete selection of solo instruments. All the major instruments are here, including solo trumpets, trombones, bass trombones, French horns, and tuba. Double and flutter tonguing, sustained and staccato notes, plus instrument mutes, swells, sforzando, and marcato voicing provide you with the depth of content you need for convincing brass parts and tracks.
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