[管弦音源]LinPlug SaxLab v2.1.8 VSTi x86 x64 萨克斯软音源 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
SaxLab’s comes with a wide range of high-quality soundsets for bass, baritone, tenor, alto and soprano saxophone and an effects section that includes a specialized chorus and reverb, as well as extensive real-time modulation options.
Special attention has been paid to making the performance controls as rich and responsive as possible, so that the instrument can be realistically played.
SaxLab is the result of many years of investigation and programming. It uses not one technology, but a very carefully balanced mixture of various techniques, to obtain the most realistic sax sound you can get from a virtual instrument. Authenticy, Expression and Variation is a must to obtain believable sax sounds. Better test SaxLab yourself.
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