[管弦音源]Cinesamples CineBrass pro Kontakt 影视铜管扩展版(标准入库) |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
CineBrass PRO is the expansion to the popular CineBrass Core library. CineBrass PRO is a completely separate and unique library comprised of entirely new orchestral brass sample content, using the first-call Los Angeles musicians at the SONY Scoring Stage, mixed by Dennis Sands. Our CineBrass CORE library, released in June 2011, covers the essentials of the orchestral brass section, and functions as a solid foundation in our composing templates. But what about all the other things brass can do? We asked you, the film music community, what you wanted to see in an expansion. The result is CineBrass PRO.
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