[管弦音源]Cinesamples Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato KONTAKT 大提琴独奏音色 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Tina Guo’s distinctly emotive acoustic cello captured as a solo legato patch utilizing a brand new recording and programming technique – introducing Seamless Legato!
The Patch
First introduced as an addition to our Artist Series: Tina Guo sound design library, the Acoustic Cello Legato patch is now available for individual purchase by popular demand! Featuring a brand new approach to legato programming, dubbed Seamless Legato, Tina’s expressive solo acoustic cello performance was captured at the MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios and brought to you in the form of an accessible and intuitive legato patch. Tina’s signature sustain sound will easily blend within your string ensemble compositions as a featured instrument, and bring a fresh voice to your section.
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