[管弦音源]8Diо Adagietto KONTAKT 小柔版 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载503147-bianquren.cn


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[管弦音源]8Diо Adagietto KONTAKT 小柔版 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn



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详情介绍 详情介绍
Produced by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer, Troels Folmann and Emmy nominated composer and orchestrator, Colin O’Malley, 8Dio Adagio String Series is the definitive collection of deep-sampled emotional strings ever created.

Adagietto is bread-and-butter of Adagio. It just works. No hassle. Play and Go. Everything is neatly laid out as full ensemble patches, so you can just start composing. The new three-way legato system is based on your velocity (Slur Legato, Normal Legato and Fast Legato).

Adagietto is based on Full Ensemble Strings from the Adagio collection. Full Ensemble Violin (11), Full Ensemble Viola (8), Full Ensemble Cello (6) and Full Ensemble Bass (4). All Adagietto patches comes both as full ensemble patches (all string groups) and as individual string sections (ex. isolated cellos). So you can either compose quickly with the entire ensemble or do more delicate orchestrations with the individual sections. Adagietto is all about ease of use, playability and giving you the shortest route to great results.

The entire collection was sampled and recorded in a signature church environment with a hand-selected group of classical string players. All groups were sampled with two different microphone positions (close/far). We employed all current generation sampling techniques (ex. true legato, deep sampled repetitions etc). New techniques were also developed to capture a higher level of emotion and humanity in the performances. The result is a passionate virtual instrument which is extremely agile to play.

11 Unique Types of Legato
Adagietto contains 11 uniquely recorded types of legato to cover all your needs for true transitional string performances. The legato performances were modeled around lyrical melodies, capturing the spirit of the most beloved composers of our time. You can control the legato for each individual section (Violins, Violas, Cellos & Basses) and all the legato are designed in a completely intuitive way. You don’t have to use keyswitches or modwheel, since we built it all into the velocities. When you play softly you will trigger the slow/portamento legato. When you played normal you will trigger the common Village legato and when you play harder you will trigger our faster Instinct legato. It just works.

Control The Ensemble
Adagietto is all about Ensemble Strings. We programmed everything so it just works off the keys. We have two sets of gorgeous ensemble sustains – both normal and sordino (muted). We have all the ensemble short notes you could wish for in the form of spiccato, staccato, marcato, pizzicato and bartok pizzicato. You also have ensemble tremolo, half- and whole note trills – and four sets of our unique dynamic bowings. The dynamic bowings are naturally swelling sustains, which can be impossible to emulate with conventional crossfade. The dynamic bowings come in both normal and sordino (muted).

Unique Programming for Kontakt 5 users
Hall based release triggers
Custom Kontakt Scripting


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