[管弦音源]Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Brass 2 KONTAKT 猎人铜管 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Concert Brass 2, the newest of all Kirk Hunter Studios’ brass packages gives you 4 brass libraries in one. Coupled with innovative and progressive TVEC 3 programming for Kontakt, you will not find a more flexible and playable great sounding brass library! And with SmartLegato2®, you will be able play chords in legato mode even while changing articulations! With these new brass sections, you can call up anything from a huge “Hollywood” film sound, to an intimate brass chorale or solo or anything in between!
Musical expression was key in recording these new sections. You’ll be able to get big bombastic fanfares, easy to control crescendos or “spooky” and dark backgrounds. The range of programming variety you get is limitless. All of these new sections were sampled in a space large enough to get the “sweet spot” for brass, yet not so ambient that you’re stuck with a mushy sound. This way you can choose your own style of ambience without conflicts.
• Easy to use Graphic Interface
• All buttons are now automatable
• Vibrato option for solos
• Improved SmartLegato – You can use CHORDS
• IntervaLive option allows you to use real intervals
• New purge feature that allows you to purge the samples of selected articulations or divisions.
• Choose to use velocity, modwheel or both for dynamics.
• New release trigger duplets and triplets.
• No external tutorial needed since every feature is described when you move the mouse over the feature.
• Choose to use keyswitching
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