[钢琴音源]Soundiron – Eko Panda KONTAKT 钢琴 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Soundiron’s Eko Panda captures that signature nostalgic sound of an early 70’s synth, perfect for recreating your favorite old-school leads and pads.
The Panda 61 Piano is a vintage 61-key synthesizer built by the Italian electronics company Eko back in the 1960s and early 70s. The Panda was marketed ostensibly as an electric piano, but the internal workings and warm tone are that of a classic early monophonic synthesizer, with basic waveforms designed to very roughly approximate the sound of an e-piano, harpsichord, horns, strings and winds. We’ve captured 7 core voices, with both infinite sustains and tight staccatos. We’ve also created 20 custom FX presets and 40 unique sound-designed synth patches, pads, drones and atmospheres from the raw source to give you a full range of creative options while preserving the essential soul of this humble sonic pioneer.
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