[钢琴音源]Toontrack EZkeys Dream Machine v1.0.0 WIN MAC 钢琴 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
EZkeys Dream Machine is a hybrid and preset-driven instrument designed for use in modern pop, ambient soundscapes and soundtracks. It’s centered around two main components from opposite ends of the audio spectrum: a Rhodes Mark 7 electric piano as well as an undisputed cornerstone in the melodic percussion family, the celeste. Both main instruments can be used individually, but together they form unique sonic texture unlike anything ever heard. In addition to these two instruments, a marimba and a xylophone are utilized in the background of several of the many included presets to paint even richer timbres of sound.
All in all, EZkeys Dream Machine is a new creative vantage point in your arsenal of songwriting tools. It’s percussive, melodic and, quite frankly, sounds like a dream.
Perfect for modern pop, ambient soundscapes and soundtracks
Two main instruments: a Rhodes Mark 7 and a Schiedmayer celeste (to be used individually or together in preset combinations)
Includes sounds from a marimba and a xylophone (used in preset combinations)
A comprehensive collection of mix-ready presets, offering creative instrument blends of never-before-heard hybrids of sounds
Uncompromising dynamic response for great playability
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