[钢琴音源]Sonex Audio Electric Pianos KONTAKT 合成器钢琴 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
\- Electric Pianos: Wurlitzer 200, Yamaha CP70, Yamaha CP80, Rhodes MK I, Rhodes MK II and Rhodes MK V.
\- 4 separate mic positions: close (stereo and mono), middle, far, and ambience (room)
\- Up to 10 velocity layers
\- Sustain Pedal Off / Sustain Pedal On / Release samples
\- Nearly 140GB of uncompressed sample content (compressed to 30 GB)
\- 13.652 Samples (Kontakt Lossless Sample Compression format)
\- Dozens of ready-to-use presets for creative starting points
\- Built-in Effects: 3-Band Equalizer, Compressor, Saturation, Distortion, Chorus, Reverb,
Delay, Stereo Width, Limiter and more
\- Full set of effects in the Kontakt settings for further customization
\- Unique and intuitive GUI has been designed to give you full control over a huge amount of options and effects without slowing down the creative process
\- Lossless sample compression for better disk streaming
\- Full Retail Version of NI Kontakt 5.6 or later required (MAC and PC compatible)
\- Not Compatible with Free Kontakt Player
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