[吉他音源]Evolution Texas Twang 芬达吉他 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
The guitar was performed and recorded by Chris Bullard, a seasoned session guitarist and emerging Country singer-songwriter. Chris Bullard’s experience as a touring artist in Texas and Nashville adds an authentic vibe to the guitar samples. The clarity and finesse of his guitar playing are audible in the many articulations included in the library, from picked playing to articulations particularly useful in Country music, such as finger plucked articulations for chicken picking technique.
The library was developed in collaboration with William Derganc, who oversaw the project’s development as well as editing the guitar samples and contributing factory presets. His attention to detail was invaluable, setting a high bar for the quality of the library.
The sample set has also been run through a distortion pedal as an enhanced signal. This distortion pedal, well-known among Country music guitarists, is modeled after the legendary warm, overdriven sound of a Trainwreck amp.
Evolution Texas Twang is outfitted with our Evolution guitar engine which provides you with a wealth of appointments: an innovative strumming pattern editor, automatic chord detection, and a robust effects engine. The library includes many factory presets for ready-to-use classic and modern Country electric guitar tones that fit right into the mix.
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