[吉他音源]Evolution Songwriter 吉普森J45木吉他 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
This instrument was inspired by a wide range of artists, including The Beatles, Joni Mitchell, and the more modern acoustic sounds of Iron & Wine and The Dirty Projectors.
In producing this guitar, we endeavored to create an instrument with a diverse tonal palette, from iconic sounds of the ’60s and ’70s onward, providing a panoply of great, ready-to-use preset sound settings for songwriters and producers.
The library was developed in collaboration with William Derganc, who not only sampled the acoustic guitar, but was also closely involved with the development process, contributing factory presets, strumming patterns, and custom chord options for the library.
The sample set has also been run through a popular type of multi-track cassette tape recorder as an additional signal. The tape signal adds saturation to the sound of the guitar, and we opted to leave the pitch fluctuations and other artifacts that give the tape extra character. With the tape signal selected, you’ll notice a constant noise floor playing in the background–the volume of this is adjustable, and can always be disabled completely.
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