[吉他音源]Impact Soundworks Shreddage 3 Serpent |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Our new fretting and voicing algorithms give you more realistic performances and playback than ever, emulating how a real guitarist would play a part. Changing these is as simple as selecting from a menu or pressing a keyswitch. A much-requested Strumming engine has been added, great for both slow and fast rhythm parts alike. And with our new modular mixer Console, you now have over 30 effects at your fingertips, from EQs to pedals, compressors, amps, cabinets, modulators, and more.
To showcase all these incredible features, what better guitar to sample than a classic American tone used in countless rock, blues, metal, pop, soul, and funk tracks? Serpent includes three unique pickup positions with custom blending along with all the key articulations you’ve come to expect from the Shreddage series sampled in exquisite detail.
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