[吉他音源]Impact Soundworks Shreddage 3 Jupiter |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Sporting 7-strings and tuned to drop-A, Shreddage 3 Jupiter has a dark, rich guitar tone that is perfect for heavy rock and metal. Its massive powerchords and chugs will instantly fill out a rhythm track, especially with our one-click double and quad-tracking. With the included Console FX rack and mixer, you don’t even need external plugins; just choose from our dozens of included presets and you’re ready to shred.
All the articulations from the original S2 are here, and can be mapped or triggered however you want using Total Articulation Control Technology 2.0 (TACT). There are more ways to tweak and play these articulations than ever: dynamic layer and mute level adjustments, per-articulation velocity to volume, Strum Mode, and much more.
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