[打击音源]Project Sam True Strike 1 Kontakt |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
ProjectSAM’s True Strike series provides percussion libraries for film, TV and game composers requiring cinematic, powerful percussion samples.
True Strike, the first volume in the series, focuses on orchestral percussion and features 51 orchestral percussion instruments in multiple concert hall mic positions. All instruments were recorded at 88.2/24 and are offered at 44.1/24. 16 GB of hard disk space is required.
The timpani is one of the biggest instrument banks found in True Strike. You will find an extensive list of playing techniques: up to 6 dynamics, sustained and dampened notes, tremolo, tremolo crescendo in three lengths, crescendo-decrescendo and hard mallet fortissimo. Suspenseful special effects such as pedal bends and cymbal/bowl on timpani.
Gran casa, snares
True Strike is aimed at cinematic use. Therefore the gran casa and snare ensemble are the most powerful and deep recordings you will find. Load up the stage or far microphone set and scare those aliens back to their home world. The library also includes single snare drum (snares on and off), military drum and field drum samples.
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