[打击音源]Premier Sound Factory Drum Tree 综合散件打击 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Drum TreeTo master the use of Drum Tree, is to become master of your own music. These drums will have a dramatic effect on the style and shape of your music, therefore when choosing a drum library, what’s important is to let “your sound” be the decider. Drum Tree is the flagship drum sound library of professional virtual instrument makers PREMIER SOUND FACTORY®, and is the work of a sound engineer who has spent 20 years seeking the essential elements of what makes a top class piece of music.
In spite of its cute, colorful design, Drum Tree packs a serious punch and an unprecedented deep and powerful sound energy. From start to finish, the music you create will be so polished that the user need never worry about EQ, COMP and mastering. Simply enjoy the optimum sound quality that rings out with every note.
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