[打击音源]Rhapsody Orchestral Percussion 狂想曲交响打击乐 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
This exquisite symphonic collection for KONTAKT features a comprehensive collection of 50 traditional & extended percussive instruments recorded through three mic positions. With a clean, focused character that is not clinically dry OR overly ‘epic’, Rhapsody: Orchestral Percussion is highly flexible for everything from small ensemble scoring and intimate cues to dramatic & bombastic. No other percussion library is as extensive AND affordable; we couldn’t be more proud to share it with you!
Our goal with Rhapsody: Orchestral Percussion was nothing less than creating the most versatile and affordable percussion library ever. With 50 instruments, 100+ articulations, and 21+ gigabytes of raw recordings, calling this collection ‘comprehensive’ is an understatement. Each instrument has been exhaustively sampled with up to 10x RR and 5x velocity layers, captured across three mic positions in a gorgeous orchestral hall.
Rhapsody: Orchestral Percussion goes beyond the standard suite of drums (i.e. bass drum, snare, toms, cymbals) to include a wide variety of aux percussion (i.e. shaker, sleigh bells, castanets, chimes, metals, wood & temple blocks), hand drums (i.e. djembe, bongos, cajon, darbuka), and chromatic instruments (i.e. glockenspiel, xylophone, marimba, crotales, tubular bells).
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