[PAD铺底]Sample Logic Morphestra Generations KONTAKT 孟菲斯特电影铺底升级版 标准 |kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Sample Logic Morphestra Generations KONTAKT | 15.1 Gb
MORPHESTRA GENERATIONS – A New Generation of Sound. Weighing in at over 16GBs, MORPHESTRA GENERATIONS is a collection of 1600+ morphed Instruments & Multis derived entirely from true orchestral recordings. Created in association with Kirk Hunter Studios, MORPHESTRA GENERATIONS brings the original MORPHESTRA™ into a whole new generation of sound, creating a modern day virtual instrument that transcends ANY morphed orchestral/effectual sample library ever created.
Geared for film, TV, and game composers, MORPHESTRA GENERATIONS includes amazing ready-to-play psycho-acoustic sampled symphonic winds, strings, and percussive instruments and morphs them into a world where music and sound design collide. MORPHESTRA GENERATIONS also includes all the original instruments and multis from MORPHESTRA 1.0.
Re-defined, Re-mastered, Re-mutilated, Re-morphed
Sample Logic has gone above and beyond traditional performance practices and recording techniques to create the new diverse instruments included in MORPHESTRA GENERATIONS. Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, Symphonic & World percussion, Voices, Guitars, Waterphones, Animals, Warehouses, Tools, Machinery, and a number of unique World instruments were recorded in the studio and as field recordings then manipulated using Sample Logic’s proprietary morphing and synthesis techniques to create new organic “never-before-heard” instruments and ensembles. All recordings were manipulated, morphed, and processed throughout the various stages of production, including the sampling phase, programming phase, and via the MORPHESTRA GENERATIONS real-time customizable user interface effects and parameters.
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