[音效]Cinematic Sound FX 音效 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
We proudly present the second volume of this cinematic library, now even bigger and with more versatile sounds! Expect a huge collection of abstract and decayed foley sounds, downshifters, tons of atmospheric drones and pads, field recordings from ambisonic 360° rain to motorcylces, trains and fireworks, massive impacts, epic, metallic and unnerving risers, dark scrapes and digital sound fx.
Everyone who is looking for some deep cinematic atmosphere will find the right sound in this huge sample library. “Cinematic Sound FX 2” includes key-labeled 24bit (.Wav) files, that can be used with every sound program. All sounds are 100% royalty-free and can be used for all kinds of commercial projects.
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