[合成电子]LinPlug Spectral v1.2.0 合成器 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
WiN: 28 Mb | MacOSX: 26 Mb
Our new top of the line synthesizer, the result of 14 years of synthesizer building experience. If you are familiar with subtractive synthesis, you will feel right at home with the Spectral, because you can choose an oscillator waveform, choose a filter shape and go on from there. But Spectral delivers far more options than you would expect from the well sorted user interface. Both Oscillator Waveform and Filter Shape can be edited in depth. The unique audio engine is capable of delivering many sounds never heard before.
Platform: WiN32 – VST, WiN64 – VST, MacOSX – AU/VST
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