[合成电子]Audio Imperia Dystopian Dreams Vol 2 Dark Moon Rising KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网-bianquren.cn
AUDIO IMPERIA’s “Dark Moon Rising” is the follow-up to our debut product Dystopian Dreams Vol. 1. Again produced by sound-designer extraordinaire Histibe, this kit provides a wide variety of high-quality horror and thriller sound effects
The kit includes:
Clock FX (Individual FX & Loops)
FX Markers
Designed Hit Rips
Designed Hits
Power Downs
Pulsating Atmospheres
Spiccato Synths
High definition 96kHz / 24bit .WAV files
106 sounds + 15 synths (another 975+ files) / 1.9 GB
Custom Kontakt Patches, using powerful open-source engine Photosynthesis
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