[合成电子]Audio Imperia – Dystopian Dreams Vol. 1 KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
The AUDIO IMPERIA “Dystopian Dreams” cinematic tool kit series is specifically designed for modern post-apocalyptic and science fiction campaigns and offers a wide variety of sounds and effects.
For Volume 1 we turned to renowned producer Histibe, well known for his outstanding sound design talents. His works have been published on notable platforms such as Vimeo Staff Picks, JAY Z’s Life+Times, UKF, DJ Mag, Dezeen, Complex, BBC, OFFF Festival, Loopmasters and many others. Together we created a cinematic tool kit that will provide you with the perfect set of go-to sounds for your project.
We spent countless hours on designing these sounds, drawing inspiration from movies like Maze Runner, Mad Max: Fury Road, Oblivion, I am Legend, 28 Days Later, Terminator Genisys, Priest, World War Z and TV shows like Heroes, Supernatural and The Walking Dead.
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