[合成电子]Vox Engine 2 Kontakt VOX人声切片 非标准 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Make catchy vocal melodies and motives or layer these chops with synths for making unique sounds. Make chord progressions or textures in polyphonic mode.
This library was inspired by producers and DJs like Diplo, Jack U, Martin Garrix, DJ Snake, Marshmello, but Vox Engine 2 will perfectly fit almost any genre: Future Bass, Trap, Pop, Hip-Hop, Future House, Deep House, Future RnB, you name it…
Scroll throw 130 carefully shaped presets and you will definitely find gems for your next project. But if this is not enough, make your own vocal chops and edit them easily with new Vox Engine 2 GUI.
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