[合成电子]Soniccouture Haunted Spaces v1.2.0 KONTAKT 配乐场景特效 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
● 128 original Chris Watson recordings
● 189 original Soniccouture sample sets, including Ondioline, Novachord, Bowed Piano and many custom sounds
● 440 preset snapshots. Sound Designers: Ian Boddy, Andy Wheddon, Soren Lemmike, EXM, Tobias Menguser, James Thompson, Dan Powell
● 8GB Library
● Cube Control: Vector synthesis interface
● Soniccouture Jammer – Generative Arpeggiator
● Modular Insert FX chain
● Space: custom convolution effect library
NI Kontakt Player (5.6.8 or higher) / NI Kontrol / NI Maschine
Chris Watson is one of the world’s leading recordists of wildlife and natural phenomena.
Born in 1953, in Sheffield, Watson was a founding member of the influential Sheffield based experimental music group Cabaret Voltaire. His sound recording career began in 1981 when he joined Tyne Tees Television. Since then he has developed a particular and passionate interest in recording the wildlife sounds of animals, habitats and atmospheres from around the world. As a freelance composer and recordist for Film, TV & Radio, Watson specialises in natural history and documentary location sound together with sound design in post production.
His television work includes many programmes in the David Attenborough ‘Life’ series including ‘The Life of Birds’ which won a BAFTA Award for ‘Best Factual Sound’ in 1996. More recently Watson was the location sound recordist with David Attenborough on the BBC’s series ‘Frozen Planet’ which won a BAFTA Award for ‘Best Factual Sound’ (2012).
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