[合成电子]Sound Yeti Collision FX KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Collision FX – Cinematic Scoring Tool delivers an exceptional palette of sounds to design, compose, score, sweeten and create astonishingly impressive cinematic elements that absolutely get noticed. Create breathtaking cinematic sounds, hybrid sound effects and orchestrated elements with ease. Includes KONTAKT Player – Nothing else to buy – Ready to use out of the box.
Eloquent and audacious, Collision FX cinematic scoring tool is a sound design supercharger with everything you need to create cinematic elements that truly express the sonic emotion in your audio productions. Straight up, out of the box, start with the Collision FX unconventional palette of sounds and use the built in 234 NKIs, handcrafted and created by expert sound designers, audio engineers, and musicians for adding film and AAA game style cinematic elements to your mix or score in moments.
The heart of Collision FX is built on a sonic foundation of cinematic source. Impacts risers, transitions, strikes, drones and tones, all meticulously designed and curated to empower composers, musicians, DJ’s and sound designers with unmatched audacity for creating and shaping breathtaking cinematic dynamics. With 3100+ audiophile quality cinematics, sound effects and instrument samples at 96k/24bit resolution, Collision FX delivers the power to capture and create an intense collage of sounds that make your music and audio productions truly unique.
Because Collision FX is an NKS-ready plug-in, and it’s derived from Epic Stock Media’s popular, battle tested cinematic sound effects collections; Bane Cinematics, Blockbuster Trailer and Asylum, it’s set up and ready to make use of the production empowering Smart Play features in the KOMPLETE KONTROL and MASCHINE software – including touch strips, scale mapping, chord sets, and the powerful arpeggiator. Collision FX and NKS enable you to perform cinematic elements with your KOMPLETE and MASCHINE hardware like never before.
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