[合成电子]Cakewalk Z3TA Plus v2.2.2.120 +38套扩展 VST MAC 波形塑形软件合成器 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Cakewalk 的 Z3TA+ 已被证明是有史以来最流行的合成器之一。它最初是由 rgc:audio 在 2002 年发布的,被誉为全世界最好的 17 个 VST 乐器插件之一……多的就不说了,想了解的去百度吧。
Cakewalk Z3TA Plus v2.2.2.120 WiN | 35 Mb
The legendary waveshaping sound of Z3TA (zay’-ta) is back – and better than ever. New filters, modulatable waveshapers, flexible effects, expressive control and a gorgeous new interface make Z3TA 2 one seriously powerful synth. It’s not often that a soft synth can be called a classic, but in the case of Z3TA it’s definitely appropriate. Used on countless tracks over the past decade, Z3TA’s distinctive sound has been a staple of electronic artists the world over.
Bigger and Badder
Z3TA+ 2 has a completely redesigned user interface that inspires performance and makes sound design clear and comfortable while preserving that signature sound that has made it a favorite of top producers and musicians around the world.
1000 New Sounds
Z3TA+ 2 has 1000 new patches, expertly crafted by a carefully selected design team – some
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