[合成电子]Sample Logic Cyclone Retwisted KONTAKT 电子特效 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载512132-bianquren.cn


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[合成电子]Sample Logic Cyclone Retwisted KONTAKT 电子特效 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn



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Sample Logic Cyclone Retwisted KONTAKT | 3.01 GB

Сompletely re-engineered and re-imagined, CYCLONE RETWISTED is the next generation of Sample Logic’s CYCLONE. Now equipped with Sample Logic’s proprietary Step and FX Animator technology along with a new dual-voice additive synthesizer, CYCLONE RETWISTED is truly a one-stop shop for astounding, inspiring electronic sounds, and the ultimate sample synth solution for Kontakt.

This powerhouse virtual instrument contains over 475 brand new instruments and multis ranging from multi-layer motion pads and cinematic harmonic instruments to dubstep inspired basses, electronic hybrid leads, and experimental drum kits.

CYCLONE RETWISTED also includes the original award-winning CYCLONE 1.0 in its entirety, as well as the Glow Multi expansion pack, providing a grand total of 850+ instruments and multis. So whether you’re on a tight deadline, in need of inspirational presets and production tools, or looking to dig deep and create your own twisted instruments, CYCLONE RETWISTED delivers amazing multi presets and instruments that are production ready and can be quickly customized for instant transformation.

Sickly Retwisted

Sample Logic has reinvented the user interface from the ground up! The core of CYCLONE RETWISTED is focused around the user interface and experience, providing the freedom to infinitely transform samples into awesome twisted evolving synths with enormous power. The interface still includes Sample Logic’s signature Triggers, Wave, and LFOs, and now rises to new heights with several added features such as: An expanded, dual-voice additive synthesis engine called “Wave” An easy to modulate and sequence multi-voice “Pitch” section A “Dual Filter Oscillator” for unprecedented rhythmic effects Sample Logic’s proprietary Step Animator and FX Animator sequencers.

Double The Fun

CYCLONE 1.0 introduced Sample Logic’s additive synthesis engine, “Wave,” and now CYCLONE RETWISTED takes it to the next level with 41 wave shapes to choose from, and a dual-voice engine with independently-controllable volume envelopes, hi-cut filters, and FX animator engines. With this newly expanded, transposable wave section, waveforms can be added to the instrument’s overall sound, leading to endless customization and massive synths. In addition, each waveform volume can be sequenced via a Animators. Wave can be used in many ways, here are just a few examples: Add a sine wave transposed down a few octaves to add sub and thicken up a bass Sequence a wavetable volume to add a motion layer on top of a static pad Transpose a wave up a few octaves to add harmonics and make the overall instrument brighter Transpose a wave down a 5th to create harmonic instruments.

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