[合成电子]Ametrine Audio Ravernator VSTi v5.8.4 电子合成器 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
The Ravernator comes with a wide variety of sounds, Ranging from Synth basses all the way up to Lush Pads. The sounds can be used for many different genre’s of music
also. Although their are alot of hard sounds in the ravernator, it can also do softer BellTones, Arp, keys and pad sounds also. This is due to the Included Fire and Ice Expansion which comes packed free with this edition of the Ravernator. As mentioned,The Fire and Ice Expansion is included in the Ravernator bringing the total number of presets to 700 with thousands of variations. The fire and ice Expansion comes with 270 presets including Synth, Lead, Bass, Keys, Organs, Pads, Strings, BellTones, Arps and Distorted sounds.
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