[合成电子]AudioThing miniBit v1.1.5 VST Win MAC 芯片音色合成器 |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
WiN: 8.82 Mb | MacOSX: 10.99 Mb
MiniBit is a 8-bit/chiptune style synthesizer that emulates the sound of 80s game consoles and retro computers. It features a main oscillator with 12 waveforms paired with a sub oscillator (a square wave pitched one octave below). The waveforms are not bandlimited and will produce aliasing. Furthermore, using the built-in bitcrusher, you can create even more noisy and retro sounds.
Platform: WiN32 – VST, WiN64 – VST, MacOSX – AU/VST
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