[合成电子]Wolfgang Palm PPG WaveGenerator v1.0.1.3 WiN |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
PPG WaveGenerator is the latest development from the inventor of wavetable synthesis, Wolfgang Palm. It is a next generation synthesizer, building on the heritage of the PPG Wave keyboards. WaveGenerator comes with a multitude of wavetables. The sound material contains the typical sounds from the original PPG wave models, as well as many new sounds generated by versatile analysis tools and also hand edited waves.
This plugin enables the user, to create his own wavetables in a playful way, and to hear the result immediately. Also you can construct the waves by adding harmonics very precise. Another way is to transform a picture into a wavetable. You can load bitmaps and directly hear the result as wavetable sweep. The waves are collected in a grid of 256 fields, to which the 3 oscillators of the synthesizer have arbitrary and independent access.
The Parameters of the synthesizer are divided into modules, which allows easy, yet powerful editing. It contains 3 oscillators with independent control of pitch and waveform. Each oscillator has its own glide, which gives a very dynamic sound. With a sophisticated routing system, the diverse modulation sources can be connected to all important control points. The complexity of WaveGenerator is comparable with a modular system.
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