[合成电子]Wolfgang Palm Phonem v1.1.0.0 WiN |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载512217-bianquren.cn


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[合成电子]Wolfgang Palm Phonem v1.1.0.0 WiN |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn



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Wolfgang Palm Phonem v1.1.0.0 WiN | 10 Mb

PPG Phonem lets the user create expressive vocal synthesis beyond anything ever heard before. With its advanced routing system every aspect of the voice can be controlled and modulated in any conceivable way. Anything from a quiet whisper to a scream. Use the intuitive text to speech tool to make Phonem say whatever you want.

Although the PPG Phonem was originally designed to do just vocal synthesis, it turned out that the system is also capable of producing a wide range of universal synthsizer sounds. So we extended the parameter ranges and made everything accessible to the user, to take advantage of this fact. The heart of the system is a multi resonator filter with 12 individual resonators which can produce vocal sounds as well as all kinds of filter sweeps and effects. This is combined with a very flexible excitation source which can work as a simulation for the human vocal source (the glottis) but also use wavetables and time-corrected-samples (TCS) to drive the filter.

The user can dig into every detail of a synthesized utterance, right down to the individual phonemes. Each phoneme can be adjusted to meet the voice of an individual character or a dialect. Additional there is a pitch-track and a control-track which makes the voice sing with phrasing and expression. A little inspiration and imagination allows the user to create whatever they wish. PPG Phonem comes with a modulation matrix – allowing 19 sources to control 40 parameters. In this way the vocals or sound effects can be modified rhythmically using LFOs, envelopes or two X/Y control pads. All these modifications can of cause be recorded into the controlling DAW.

For speech or vocal synthesis a versatile excitation generator is provided. But we did not leave it at that and added a wavetable and TCS system, which adds a new dimension to the sound palette. Wavetables can be imported from WaveGenerator or created and edited, TCS can be imported and modified from WaveMapper 2. Phonem comes with more than 100 resources and a huge number of presets made by our sounddesigner team. The browser page allows you to list and sort your sounds. Besides that you can exchange single presets with another bank of sounds.


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