[合成电子]XILS-lab XILS3 v2.0.2 CE VST WiN |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn

The XILS 3 V2.0 not only emulates the Synthi ( VCS 3 ) modular synthesizer, it also adds an emulation of the 256 Analog Sequencer, the natural companion of the VCS 3.
Is that all? No, of course, we added a SECOND Matrix, with 2 additional envelopes, one LFO, a detailed Sample and Hold module, and a Voltage processor… And some input modules : Gate, Transient, Envelope Follower and Pitch Tracker to transform the XILS 3 into an advanced Effect Processor! This means hundreds of additional connections. Add to the pile the analog chorus with its three modes, the analog delay and the phaser … the picture emerges. In the XILS 3, you can connect everything with everything, and you get more than 800 possible different connections per patch ( ‘Only’ 583 simultaneous connections possible ).

