[采样]Vital Vocals Soul House Vocals (WAV) |音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Soul House Vocals weighs in at 446 MB, with 5 unique song kits made up of a plethora of emotive vocals in various styles. You’ll find catchy chorus loops, harmonious b-vox, riffing adlibs, verse vocals in both lead and backing form, doubled backings and even some bonus FX vocals. Each song has a distinct feel, meaning you’ll certainly find inspiration within.
These vocals have been recorded with the utmost care and attention using the greatest microphones, hardware and outboard gear to ensure maximum sound quality and ease of use. Content comes in a range of tempos, keys and delivery styles to ensure you won’t be lacking that killer vocal line to cement your next hit as a future classic.
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