[民族音源]Ilya Efimov Production Irish Tin Whistle KONTAKT 爱尔兰锡笛 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Our library is a new generation of Irish Tin Whistle with incredible playability and realism. Tin Whistle was created with legato techniques. The tin whistle, also called the penny whistle, English flageolet, Scottish penny whistle, tin flageolet, Irish whistle, six-holed woodwind instrument. It is a fipple flute, putting it in the same category as the recorder, Native American flute, and other woodwind instruments that meet such criteria. A tin whistle player is called a tin whistler or simply a whistler. The tin whistle is closely associated with Celtic music.
The Irish Tin Whistle library is a highly playable instrument based on a highly playable legato system. We sampled all possible intervals in several versions. Thus, you get all-natural realistic legato.You have full control over dynamics and expression, able to add and control vibrato and frullato. At your disposal is a variety of articulations: mordent, grace note (forshlag), slides, staccato, trill and rolls. Additionally, we have introduced a unique system of articulation switching. The library also contains additional useful features such as Repetition Key and Attack mode. You can reassign keyswitches and midi controllers, saving all settings on your computer.
•1166 samples, 44,1 Hz \24 bit, stereo
•2 natural legato types: normal and glissando
•10 different articulations
•Realistic dynamic from p to f
•Two vibrato types
•Control of realistic vibrato and frullato
•Reassignable keyswitches and midi-controllers
•3 modes of legato performance
•Repetition key
•Attack mode
•6 round-robin for staccato
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