[钢琴音源]Impact Soundworks Curio Cinematic Toy Piano KONTAKT 钢琴 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
A hidden world of sound generated from a miniature toy piano, prepared, mangled and deconstructed to create tonal textures, sweeps, ambiances, impacts, deep percussion, and more! Perfect for film, TV, and game scoring.
Welcome to CURIO: Cinematic Toy Piano, a rare collection of custom-designed tonal and atonal material for Kontakt 4+. Designed by Ali Lacey, Curio features a miniature grand piano recorded naturally, then prepared, deconstructed, and mangled beyond recognition using acoustic and electronic sound design techniques.
In addition to atmospheric plucks, haunting and subtle mallet hits, and other traditional chromatic sounds, Curio contains a huge variety of percussive hits. These sounds, which range from light taps to earth-shaking subs, are ideal for epic cues and subtle underscore alike. The beautiful UI provides further editing controls, allowing for instant customization and shaping of any sound with just a few clicks.
With over +1400 samples provided in both NCW and WAV format (for further editing and mangling), Curio is a treasure trove of inspirational material.
冲击soundworks curio cinematic玩具钢琴接触WAV | 2.11 GB
一声生隐魔兽世界从一个小玩具钢琴,由鸭,妈,deconstructed创造textures htonl,扫,ambiances,影响深percussion,和更多!好的电影、电视和游戏的得分。
欢迎来到curio:cinematic玩具钢琴,一个好的collection of htonl和定制设计的无调性4 +材料接触。莱西市阿里的设计特点,curio A微型记忆自然大钢琴,然后由鸭,妈,deconstructed超越识别,利用光声和电子音响设计技术。
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