[钢琴音源]Modern Edition Platinum v1 KONTAKT 现代钢琴大制作黄金版 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Production Grand is a sampled Yamaha C7 studio grand piano with EIGHT microphone perspectives recorded through premium studio microphones and microphone preamps such as API and Neve. We recorded the sampling session at 24 bit 96 kHz through a Burl Mothership A/D converter for a richness that is exceptional! You will hear the attention to sonic excellence the moment you play Production Grand. Production Grand comes in three versions at different sample rates and bit rates to suit the situation or system it is played back on. With the extensive number of samples and high sample rate, Production Grand is a versatile piano sample library that is sure to meet the needs of modern performers and producers and will only become more indispensable as solid state technologies become more prevalent.
Production Grand is suited for any user that demands excellence on stage or in music production.
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