[钢琴音源]Red Planet Piano KONTAKT 电钢琴 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Red Planet Piano的灵感来自安迪·威尔的电影《火星救援》。哈里·格雷森-威廉姆斯的配乐绝对令人惊叹,并激励我们创造了一个“外太空”版本的钢琴。Red Planet Piano与Gravitas Piano使用的有机样品池相同。但是为了得到那个特殊的“外太空”电吉他声音,我们创造了一些复杂的吉他声音。它们的设计是为了配合你需要唤起那种深度和空间的感觉而设计的。这一点,结合有机钢琴,创造了一个真正独特的声音。我们使用了非常有限的Ibanez JPM90HAM的琴颈拾音器和分裂线圈拾音器(single coil)位置的混合。一个完美的融合了单一线圈的声音,温暖深度。最初的录音是直接录制的,然后我们通过不同的放大器和fx信号链放大录音。
AUDIO IMPERIA’s “Klavier” is the first instrument in our new “Private Stock Instruments” series. Originally intended as a private sample library for a group of trailer composers, the two instruments in this series combine the very best of the worlds of raw/organic recordings and post-production/sound design. The goal throughout the whole project was to start with the user experience and the raw sound and to work our way backwards to a final product that is both versatile and instantly inspiring.
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