[吉他音源]Pettinhouse HumbuckerGuitar 2.0 金属摇滚电吉他软音源 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
your keyboard just by playing basic keyboard chords and it automatically translates them into guitar chords. You can also arpeggiate the notes of the chords.
Thanks to a series of assigned keys you can also play Upstrokes, Downstrokes and alternate them with powerchords ( the first two strings ). Pick noises and string noises are also included.
With the Strum Speed Knob you can change the speed of the strum.
Chords: Maj, Min, 7th, Maj 7th, 9th, 7-9th, Sus2, Sus 4, Sus 4-7, Min , Min 7-9, Dim.
With the “Powerchord” you can play real guitar power chords with one key. There are Open and Muted Power chords useful for playing from Metal to clean pop riffs.
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