[吉他音源]8Dio Productions Ambient Guitar KONTAKT |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
The dreamy, synthy, rarely heard realm of droning guitars.
Ambient Guitar VST library is a massive collection of carefully crafted sounds all derived from a number of different guitars. All source material is comprised of live guitar with various effects applied real-time and minimal post-production processing. Contrary to most guitar libraries the focus of Ambient Guitar VST is the unrecognizable, ambient side of the stringed instrument. Beyond the strums, palm-mutes, plucks, picks, squeals, pinch-harmonics and lightning fast, finger-bleeding leads typically played on guitars, there lies a dreamy, synthy, rarely heard realm of droning beauty in the guitar.
Of course there is still room for plenty of range within this realm. You’ll find sounds from awe-inspiring beauty to fist-clenching rage, from the eerie unknown to somber loneliness, from pulse-pounding horror to gentle, soothing harmony. Taking a small step back from the realm of pure ambience is a select group of bonus post-apocalyptic-inspired, minimalist phrases. These phrases are all still very ambient in nature and are meant to work perfectly on top of the purely ambient patches.
But what’s that you say? You want to be able to play your own melodies? Hey, this is an ambient library! 8Dio also decided to multisample the bass and guitar, giving you a massive range of standard plucked notes to play any melody you wish. Divided into five major emotional categories (Awe, Horror, Mystery, Rage, Sadness) and with the phrases and multi-samples, this library is unlike any guitar library you’ve heard before.
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