[吉他音源]Indiginus StrumMaker IV Acoustic Guitar v1.4 KONTAKT 独奏扫弦木吉他 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Indiginus StrumMaker IV Acoustic Guitar KONTAKT | 1.00 GB
A bright and beautiful new acoustic guitar library with our new StrumMaker IV strum engine. Easily create your own chords and strumming patterns! Includes a separate instrument for playing leads and picking parts
Create acoustic guitar strumming tracks quickly and easily with our new StrumMaker IV strumming engine. Choose from preset patterns that you can customize, and choose from the available preset chords that you can customize instantly- simply by clicking on the fretboard.
Then transpose your chords with the capo! With the Strum Sequencer, you can choose from 1 to 16 steps and choose the note resolution to match your host’s tempo. 16 steps not enough? You can chain up to 8 patterns together!
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