[吉他音源]Sample Logic Cinematic Guitars 2 KONTAKT 电影吉他二代 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】官方 百度网盘在线SVIP免费下载505096-bianquren.cn


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[吉他音源]Sample Logic Cinematic Guitars 2 KONTAKT 电影吉他二代 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn



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Sample Logic继续他们的电影传统的通过引入电影吉他2,在创建的续集电影的吉他中,Sample Logic和史蒂夫Ouimette的(作曲家/歌手/制作人)的设计师去掉所有的方式回到基本面的录音过程中,他们重新构思和发明创造的新的方式捕捉独特的声音全部来自真实的吉他,其中很大一部分来自在录制过程中的破坏和残害真正的吉他声音。

Sample Logic continues their cinematic legacy by introducing Cinematic Guitars 2 – A suite of over 1200 jaw-dropping instruments and multis that are in no way just another guitar sample library.

In creating a sequel to Cinematic Guitars, the designers at Sample Logic, and Steve Ouimette (Composer/Artist/Producer) went all the way back to the fundamentals of the recording process, where they re-conceived and invented new and clever ways of creating and capturing unique sounds derived entirely from real guitars, a big part of which came from the destruction and mutilation of real guitars during the recording process. From guitars being chained up, drilled, shattered, sledge hammered, and set on fire to the elegance and pristine air of bowed and prepared guitars, all off which were carefully manipulated and morphed to craft a library that sounds like no other.

CG2 hosts a collection of unprecedented interface controls providing over 40 unique sections of onscreen effects and parameters. The main foundation of the interface is built upon Sample Logic’s “multi-core effect sequencer”, first introduced in the original Cinematic Guitars. Now, in CG2, this interface has been brought to a whole new level with the ability to control effects by assigning tempo-synced step sequencers and LFO’s to any instrument parameter and the option to sequence the bypass feature of each effect in realtime. In addition, all loop-based instruments can be controlled, effected, and manipulated at the transient slice level directly from the waveform view. CG2 also employs the new 4-band SSL EQ with multi-core sequencer functionality.

Cinematic Guitars 2 is divided into 3 main categories: Atmospheres, Instrumentals and Percussives. Each contains a variety of unique sounds such as: explosive impacts, industrial kits, tempo-synced melodic & rhythmic loops, arpeggiated instruments, atmospheres, leads, pads, synths, transitions, stingers, and a collection of deeply sampled traditional guitar instruments. If you are familiar with any of Sample Logic’s previous products, then you will feel right at home with how this library is categorized.

CG2 introduces a new feature called “Triggers”. TRGs provide 48 unique effect chains that can be triggered from any one or combination of six on-screen key pads and by key-switches on the keyboard map. This allows for total on-the-fly performance control and the ability to drastically effect the sound of any instrument instantly and non-destructively. With the touch of a pad or key, trigger based effects can be instantly activated or bypassed. TRG can also be triggered via the “Arpeggigater” and can also be used with loop-based instruments on a transient slice basis.

One of the biggest features introduced in CG2 is the powerful “Multi Script Macros” feature. Every Multi in CG2 contains up to 6 Macro knobs that can be assigned to control any combination of interface parameters. Multi script macros are completely customizable and can be easily created and saved as custom multi macros, simply add or subtract them by using the plus and minus buttons on the multi interface. By design, any combination of instrument interface parameters can be assigned to a single macro. Whether performing live or automating a multi in a DAW, these Macros are the perfect production solution.

The Instruments:

Atmospheric/Ambient Soundscapes and Stinger Construction Kits
Morphed Guitars, Synths, and Pads
Melodic and Percussive tempo-synced Loops
Melodic and Percussive Arppegigated/Arpeggiated/Gated Instruments
Percussive Impacts, Big Hit Ensembles, and Kits
Swipes, Scrapes, and Reverse Transitional Effects

The Multis:

Over 80 score-ready multis
Performance-ready multis with up to 6 customizable Multi Script Macros (playable interactive preset templates made from multiple instruments)

Bonus multis created by award-winning composer Bill Brown


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