[打击音源]Spitfire Audio Albion II Loegria REDUX v3.22 KONTAKT 喷火史诗打击乐 |Kontakt音源音色VST插件|【编曲人网】-bianquren.cn
Spitfire Audio Albion II Loegria REDUX v3.22 KONTAKT | 32.4 Gb
Everything you need to write beautiful detailed and esoteric TV, Film & Games music. This volume encompasses a finely sampled and enchanting chamber sized string section, esoteric woods and brass, new cinematic drums, quirky eccentric loops and an inspiring organic synth.
After the success of the epic sounding Albion 1 the second outing in the range features a smaller more detailed string section and a host of more eccentric and esoteric tools. If you have your sights on independent films, period dramas, or more cerebral and intimate music this library would be a great starting point.
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